This is what you can expect when you walk into our churches for the first time.
Before Worship Both of our church buildings have an area for gathering before entering the sanctuary. Most of our members arrive before the service starts, greet each other, and sit in the pews and spend a few minutes in silent reflection and preparation for worship.
Where to sit Sit anywhere you like. Both churches have very good acoustics, so you will be able to hear the pastor no matter where you sit. We do ask that you reserve the back two pews on each side for parents with small children.
What to wear Wear whatever you like. The average attire in our churches is neat and clean but casual clothing. Some dress more formally than that and others will wear jeans, but whatever you decide to wear, our members are happy to have you with us and welcome the opportunity to share God’s Word with you. There is no need to worry about being under or over dressed.
Restroom access Both of our churches have easy access to restrooms in the gathering area outside the sanctuary. Ushers are happy to help you if you can’t find them on your own.
Parents with small children We love and welcome children of all ages to join us for worship. We realize that children are sometimes noisy in church, and this can make parents uncomfortable, so we are ready and able to accommodate the needs of any child. If a little one needs to be taken out of the service for a diaper change or because the child is fussy and tired, there is a parent’s room at Good Shepherd, and the restrooms at St. John’s are good for changing little ones. Usually, the back two pews on each side of church are recommended for families with small children, but feel free to sit wherever you like.
The Bulletin When you walk in, you will receive a bulletin, or service folder. The entire order of service is printed in an easy to follow format. There is also a list of the week’s events at our churches and announcements of things to come.
The Hymnal Our churches use Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal as the main source of hymns, psalms, and orders of service. This is the red book in the racks that hang on the back of the pews. This book contains all the hymns from #1 through #623. The thinner, blue paperback books are called Christian Worship Supplement. This book is a secondary source of hymns, psalms, and orders of service. Hymns which are numbered in the 700’s are found in this blue book.
The Offering We take a collection at each service as an opportunity for our members to give their best as an expression of thanks and praise to Jesus for saving us from our sins. This offering supports the work of our churches and our church body. Visitors need not feel obligated to contribute. We are happy you are here and simply wish to share the Word of God with you without asking anything in return.
The Music Our churches use traditional hymns and songs in our worship. While we realize that in some churches “praise band” music is becoming more popular, it just isn’t our preference. We prefer the classic church music and appreciate the beauty of these timeless offerings of beautiful music to our Lord.
After Worship The pastor will have some brief announcements before he walks to the back of church to greet the congregation as they exit the sanctuary. The ushers dismiss the congregation pew by pew from the front of the church to the back. This is when socializing takes place. The members usually congregate in the back of church or outside when the weather is nice. If you are a visitor, expect some friendly faces to come and introduce themselves to you. We enjoy having you here and would like you to join us again!